Kliimakaubamaja OÜ

Kuninglik teenindus sõbra hinnaga!


Teostame töid nii era- kui ka ärihoonetele. Kõik ühest kohast! Meie meeskond on erialaselt sertifitseeritud ja litsentseeritud.

Valdkonna kogemust 15 aastat!

Meie suurimaks väärtuseks on meie töötajad. Nad on osalenud mitmetel seadmete tootjate poolt korraldatatud koolitustel kui ka TTÜ poolt korraldatud soojuspumba täiendõppe kursustel ning oskavad alati abiks olla kliendi soove rahuldava lahenduste valikul. Lisaks on meie töötajad sertifitseeritud nii TTÜ (Tunnistus NR-017865) kui ka Eesti Külmaliidu (EKL-i  sertifikaat NR-00035; NR-076037; NR-076036) ja Eesti Soojuspumbaliidu poolt (ESPEL-i sertifikaat NR-019;NR-046).


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We inform you that your agreement may be withdrawn at any moment by sending an email message... more
We inform you that your agreement may be withdrawn at any moment by sending an email message to our Data Protection Officer: info@thermia.com from the address that the agreement concerns. We inform you that you are not profiled. Your data will not be shared outside the European Economic Community or shared with multinational organizations. hide
We inform you that the administrator of the personal data provided in the form above... more
We inform you that the administrator of the personal data provided in the form above is Thermia AB based in Box 950 671 29 Arvika. Please send all your questions and doubts to our Data Protection Officer at info@thermia.com. Your data will be processed in order to reply to the question according to the provision that data processing is lawful if it is necessary to carry out an agreement or prior to entering it. If you agree to the above, your data will also be used to send marketing content. You can find full information about your personal data in our privacy policy. hide
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Kliimakaubamaja OÜ

Kliimakaubamaja OÜ

+372 7 353 258